Michael W. Chadwick, Partner

“I believe in results. From the inception of the claim until its conclusion, I identify the issues and precisely focus my preparation accordingly. This provides both the value in provision of legal services during every step in the litigation process and the results our clients seek.”

Sandra Ritchie, Senior Law Clerk
905-686-6448 ext. 8242
Michelle MacKinnon, Law Clerk
905-686-6448 ext. 8235

Michael has a diverse range of exceptional trial, arbitration and appellate experience and successes. He presents any insurance case, whether a tort jury trial or an accident benefits case, in a strategic manner. He has an ability to distill complex issues to their constituent core in an efficient manner. As with all good litigators, Michael also pursues resolution outside of the courtroom and is adept at finding common interests to conclude disputes through negotiation and in the mediation setting. Clients are exceptionally served by his precision and pragmatic approach.

Michael’s active and successful litigation practice has resulted in many decisions, and some more recent cases include a denied claim based on material misrepresentation (Paperny v. State Farm, FSCO 2014), and an incident found not to be an accident (Wong v. St. Paul Fire and Marine, FSCO 2010). He has also been successful on a number of summary judgment motions including, Argante v. Munro, 2014 ONSC 3626, Yasmin v. Alexander 2016 ONCA 165 and Desbois v. Wood 2019 ONSC 3586.


Called to the Ontario Bar, 1993
LL.B., University of Toronto, 1991
B.Sc., Trent University, 1988


Durham Region Law Association
Medical Legal Society of Toronto
The Advocates’ Society
Toronto Lawyers Association

* Professional Corporation

Selection of Cases

Liability – Bicycle and Auto Accident – Summary Judgment: Debois v. Wood, 2019 ONSC 3586 – Justice Dawe granted summary judgment in this matter finding no liability against the defendant in this case involving a collision between a bicycle and a car.

Limitation Period – Threshold – Summary Judgment: Yasmin v. Alexander, 2016 ONCA 165 –  the Court of Appeal upheld the decision of Justice Myers granting summary judgment on the basis of a missed limitation period in the context of a damages/threshold injury claim arising out of a motor vehicle accident.

Implied Consent – Summary Judgment: Argante v. Munro, 2014 ONSC 3626 – Justice Shaughnessy granted summary judgement on the issue of the defendant’s implied consent to the use of the vehicle by her former husband and the allegations of negligent handling of her keys. Discussion as to the principles implied consent, negligence in handling of keys and summary judgment. This case dealt with a summary judgment motion brought at the opening of trial and after the jury had been selected.